An Oversimplification of my Eschatology
(1) Balthasarian universalism: affirmation of both predestinarianism and the universal salvific will,
(2) Augustinian & neo-Bañezian: affirmation of predestinarianism and negation of the universal salvific will,
(3) Maritainian: negation of predestinarianism and affirmation of the universal salvific will;
(4) Molinist: negation of both predestinarianism and the universal salvific will.
(5) Sylvestian: If we distinguish an apokatastenai (restoration) in terms of a theophanic vision and an apokatastasis in terms of a supratheophanic vision, then my stance represents an –
a) affirmation of a predestinarian theophanic vision;
b) affirmation of the universal theophanic will;
c) negation of a predestinarian supratheophanic vision; and
d) affirmation of the universal supratheophanic will.
Hence, I subscribe to an indicative apokatastenai & subjunctive apokatastasis.
I believe there's a universal purgative moral restoration.
Degrees of theophanic beatitude are epektatically gifted in proportion to one's moral virtue or, otherwise, per divine predilection & predestination.
Degrees of supratheophanic beatitude are epektatically gifted in proportion to one's supererogatory virtue or, otherwise, per divine predilection & predestination.
Regarding our supererogatory dispositions, in particular, how & to what extent they could change post-mortem, I haven't speculated. I can't think of anything, metaphysically or theologically, that might stand in the way.
All are transcendentally determined to be God's friends and in infinite potency to becoming God's lovers, everlastingly growing in divine intimacy.